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13. Instability and consolidation: 'the mid-Tudor Crisis'. 1547-63
Mary I and her ministers
Mary I
Mary I
A few infographics on Mary Tudor
◄ Northumberland Bad Duke
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Commentary: Instability and consolidation
Mid-Tudor Crisis examined.
Development of government in the Mid-Tudor crisis
Commentary: Somerset's problems in government
Key measures taken under Somerset
The key characters....
Edward and Mary, the Unknown Tudors 01 EDWARD VI The Boy King
Edward and Mary 2of2
Battle of Pinkie Sam T
Edward IV make your own church File
Commentary: Intellectual developments
Edwardian Reformation - John Guy File
Religious reforms under the Duke of Somerset
Religious reforms under the Duke of Somerset
The Fall of Somerset
Somerset: A commentary
Edward Seymour article
Religious reforms under the Duke of Northumberland
Religious reforms under the Duke of Northumberland
The Western (Prayer Book) Rebellion
Northumberland: A commentary
John Dudley article
Arundel and Southampton - Northumberland's conservative opposition
Duke of Northumberland
Interpretations of Northumberland
Rehabilitating the Duke of Northumberland article - Dale Hoak
Commentary: Rebellions
Rebellions of 1549 article - Manning
Somerset vs. Northumberland: an assesssment
Essay examples on this period
Why did Northumberland's coup of 1553 fail graphing exercise
Northumberland Bad Duke
Mary's Rise to Power article.
John Guy's view on Mary Tudor and the role of faction
Did faction undermine the good governance of England 1539-53
Notes on Mary and her policies over this period
Tudor Memorandum Activity - Advise Mary!
Effective bullet point notes on Mary I
Change and Continuity - Foreign Policy 1547-1563
Miss Williams on Mary's Religious policy
To what extent was the English Church in 1553 different from what it had been in 1532
Mary's Rise to Power article. ►