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Topic outline
Year 10 Mid GCSE Mocks
These are some papers that you can use for your revision. There are some questions in these papers on some topics that will not have covered yet and will not be tested on your Year 10 exam.
On paper 1 - don't do Q21-23
On paper 2 - don't do Q19
There will be two Year 10 mock examinations each lasting for 1.5 hours and in the first of these you will not be allowed a calculator. Either paper could draw from any of the mathematics that you have learnt during Year 7 – 9 and most of the topics you have covered so far in Year 10. These topics will include:
- Equations of straight lines
- Parallel and perpendicular lines
- Midpoint of line segment
- Length of a line segment
- Simultaneous equations
- Non-linear simultaneous equations
- Change the subject of an equation
- Linear inequalities
- Expanding brackets
- Real life graphs
- Graphs of quadratic equations
- Factorising quadratics
- Complete the square
- Quadratic formula
- Linear sequences
- Quadratic sequences
- Inverse functions
- Composite functions
- Graph transformations
- Pythagoras’ Theorem
- Trigonometry for right angled triangles
- Circle theorems
- Standard index form
- Recurring decimals
- Estimation
- Accuracy and bounds
- Indices
- Surds
- Rationalising the denominator
- Probability
- Frequency polygons
- Histograms
- Averages of grouped data
- Cumulative frequency diagrams